Document library

Making it easier for you

We have collated all the important documents you might need into this document library and, to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for, there is a simple search box where you can enter key words. In addition to all the documents being in one place, you will see that there are links to relevant documents across the site in the left hand column of various pages too.

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As part of our commitment to transparency, we publish a list of payments to suppliers over £250.


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Read NPH Voice, NPH's housing newsletter for tenants and leaseholders.

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Performance Data for February 2018

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We are pleased to share our gender pay gap data, which shows the difference in the average pay of men and women employed within Northampton Partnership Homes.

The government requires all organisations with 250 employees or more, to publish these figures before April 2018.

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Performance Data for January 2018

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December 2017 Performance Stats

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This document details the council garage policy, owned by Northampton Borough Council and managed on their behalf by Northampton Partnership Homes.

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This document details how NPH performed for November 2017.

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Winter issue of NPH Voice
